It's just about time for our week of middle school camp again. I have had the pleasure of leading a week for the past 11 years and it has definitely changed tremendously in that time. I have had to adapt my style of leadership and our approach to things over the years, but each year is an incredible blessing through the changes.
We spent today packing our trailer for the early crew to set up on Saturday in anticipation of the arrival of 130 campers and 27 staff on Sunday. We had a specific list of items for our stage set, the sound equipment, camper games, and object lessons. Our staff knew exactly what we were getting into and had our lists prepared. Even as we packed we collected several other items that were not on our original list. Many times this is done because we want to be prepared for what might happen.
Camp veterans understand that there will be unexpected events and surprises along the way. We can plan and strategize each moment, but there will always be moments that we need to take advantage of when they come up. While we can't always predict them we can prepare as much as possible so that we don't miss the chance for impact.
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