Tuesday, March 19, 2013


The speed of the leader = the speed of the team

As a kid I wanted to be the fastest around. The faster you could run, bike, swim, and be pushed on the merry-go-round, the more impressive it was. We stay in that mode of speed as leaders. We falsely believe that a high capacity leader has to have the busiest schedule and produce the most work to be effective. It's a tough example that we set for our team as they adopt a speed-demon mentality for our organizational culture. 

Even the best NASCAR drivers know that the way to win a race isn't always having the gas pedal pressed to the floor. Advantage is gained when you learn when to floor it and when to pull back. It's a key developmental principle for modeling balance and appropriate self-awareness. It builds in time for rest and provides pacing for the best overall results and relationships.

What pace are you setting for others to follow?

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