We kicked off our new series, "Man Up" this morning with guest speaker David Rocker, the head football coach at Point University. He taught on King David from the Old Testament (our focus all month) and how David was both a warrior for God and a worshiper of God. It was his statement about the big similarity between the two that resonated with me. He said that both types of people are looking for the same thing: peace. Their approach is obviously different, but the goal is identical.

The lack of peace is the root of the disturbance and is an underlying cause of disruption in most of our lives. So much of our energy is focused on finding peace in our homes, entertainment, ideals, relationships, and our aspirations. I would wager that the majority of the people that I come in contact with on a regular basis can't seem to find it in their lives & I will admit that it can be a struggle for me as well.
This peace that we are searching for isn't about a lack of conflict in our lives (although we incorrectly assume that to be the case.) It is instead an unshakable confidence in the sovereign plan of God and a willingness to submit to His direction for each of us. It's a matter of trusting in God's promises enough to maintain our composure in uncertain times. We find it through our willingness to battle adversity and in the purity of our worship. It is available to us all if we would search for it in our Creator and King.
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