Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Great One

I was listening to ESPN radio in my car the other morning (no shocker there) and heard a sportswriter talking about his recent, lengthy interview with Michael Jordan. The quote that got my attention was, "Greatness up close can be really ugly."

Sadly, the same characteristics that make for mesmerizing competitiors, powerful leaders, and people of influence can be difficult to stomach up close. People who are used to the limelight aren't always able to adjust to stepping aside or sharing that light as abilties wane. The greatness that brings worldly success can reflect an incredibly large ego, a lack of compassion, and a continual insistence on being right. I would wager that once the moments of grandeur are over it leaves a very unsatisfying aftertaste in a spirit that keeps searching for the greatness that once seemed so easily attainable and unending.

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