Monday, May 19, 2014

Good vs. Right

See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord. Colossians 4:17

I can do a lot of things. That's not my ego talking about how much I am capable of accomplishing, but rather a statement of fact about the number of things that I can write on my to-do list. I can find ways to keep my day (month, year) busy and even feel good about what I was able to achieve. The problem is that I don't always do what God has asked me to do, but instead do what I want to do.

Of course for me to do what God has asked, I have to listen to what He tells me. This isn't always easy as I get caught up in best practices, advice from other leaders, and my own personal brand of wisdom. I see situations and develop solutions that I think will work best. While innovation can be healthy it can also distract me from what God is directly trying to share with me. If I want to find true success and personal satisfaction I need to be about the business God has given me and not just my own ambitions.


  1. Once again timely and perfect for me too. Thank you!!

    1. It's always inspiring to see how God communicates His message to so many of us at the same time! Thanks brother.
