Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wedding March

I have officiated a number of weddings and always enjoy the opportunity to be part of such a special day. Even though my primary responsibility that day is to marry the couple, I also step into the role of being the cool, calm voice of reason. When nerves start to fray and anxiety kicks in, I work to keep things moving forward and people relaxed. 

The nervous bride is almost always anxious about the day & what is about to happen after months (years?) of planning. I give her simple verbal reinforcement: you have already done the hard part by showing up and looking beautiful. Your next job is to walk when it's your time to walk & say what you're told to say. Before you know it, you'll be married and the true relationship can begin.

There are parallels to this in our relationship with God. We're here in the process now and might be feeling some anxiety about what is next, but being obedient is the first hard step. Not that there won't be difficult steps along the way, but sometimes we need to be reminded to walk where God wants us to walk & to say what God wants us to say. It takes the pressure off of us & causes us to rely on His ability to make things happen. The relationship that follows after we make this public statement of our intentions will be better than we dreamed of when we began.

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