Friday, May 4, 2012

The Tuck Rule

Psalm 119:11 says, "I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." It is a reference to diligently studying God's Word so that it becomes implanted in us. It transfers Biblical truth from written words on a page to something that is applicable and real.

We will face temptations and trials and from my own experience I can assure you, faithful reader, that we will not have the strength on our own to endure. Our willpower will fail and our resolve will weaken when we rely purely upon our human capabilities. We gain strength from ingesting and meditating on Scripture so that it becomes the key foundation of our response system. When we are able to read and apply Biblical truth we change its impact from a concept to reality. 

If we aren't tucking God's Word away for future use, we will most certainly not be prepared when the time comes.

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