When God changes us, we don’t control how much change we go through. God does. David Lomas

I see where I have come from in so many areas of maturity yet I also realize that I am far from complete. It's a life journey that can't be accomplished in a short period of time. Even if I see positive direction in my physical, relational, and spiritual life I know there is still so much room for growth. I think it can be a natural tendency to see some level of improvement and then stop moving forward at the same pace. We can become complacent because we aren't "the person we used to be" when the truth is that we are nowhere near where we need to be. It's a good thing that God doesn't stop when we are "better". He is actively working in us so that we can find what is "best".
Keep moving forward and trust that God will bring things to completion. If we're still here, we aren't done yet.
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