Sunday, December 9, 2012


Fifteen years ago today we celebrated the birth of our first child. I was in love with her from first sight (and even before then) but I had no idea how much that love would grow. I don't think it's possible to comprehend how much things will change as your children grow, but I can honestly say that I couldn't be prouder of who she is becoming. She is extremely intelligent and quick-witted and loves to use her creative gifts. She has a passionate desire to help other people and wants to make a difference. One of the things I love most about her is her ability to make friends with people that other people tend to ignore. Lindsay is able to see the underlying truth in things and deals with it in a very rational fashion (more than a typical 15 year old should.)

Our relationship is changing as she grows older, but in ways that are giving us opportunities to talk at deeper levels and share life truths. I'm soaking up every opportunity to spend with her & her sisters as I know they won't be here under our roof forever. While I still miss my little red-headed girl talking to herself in the mirror, I am also excited about the future of our relationship as we are able to share more things together.

Happy birthday my Lindsay-Lou-Bug. I can't believe it's been this long already, but I couldn't be prouder of who you are & the young woman you are becoming.

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