Saturday, August 8, 2015

All Around Me

One of the regular parts of my week involves sitting at Chick-Fil-a on Saturday waiting for daughter to get off work. I show up about an hour before she's done, order a cup of coffee, and write while waiting. I enjoy the change of place and pace as I find it refreshing. Some people (my wife included) might find it distracting to attempt to develop creative thoughts in a crowded place. I actually enjoy hearing the people around me and the uniqueness of the thought of all of us ending up together in this time and place.

This place is usually quite busy on a Saturday afternoon and there are wide varieties in the groups of people here. There are older couples out for ice cream, families with young children looking to escape the heat and enjoy the playground, travel baseball & softball teams grabbing post-game meals, and others grabbing a late lunch. While I'm here writing there is a constant buzz of life around me in its different stages. Knowing that I am one life sharing this mundane moment is one of my favorite parts of being here.

How often do we stop to pay attention to the lives moving around us? I think too often it's like floating on the top of the ocean without any clue of the life that fills the water beneath us. We can pretend it's not there, but we are denying ourselves the beauty of sharing in it unless we are willing to get beyond the surface.

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