Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Quiet Time

I am an outspoken, (mostly) extrovert that loves to talk with people and share ideas. I want to hear people's stories and know what inspires them and gives them the strength to keep moving forward. I was born to
teach and thrive on the opportunity to share fundamental truths and see people's lives changed. I love getting a cup of coffee and investing in another life or just simply sharing life together. I love talking with my wife and sharing dreams and pushing each other to grow as we seek God's vision for our families.

As much as I love to talk and share there are also times when words are tiring and the effort (especially at the end of a long day of talking) is just too much. It's reminds me of my need to pull back and be quiet so that I can recharge. It's why my relationship with my wife is so vital to me--not only do we share everything with each other, but we also share silence as we simply sit in each other's company. It's a good thing that works well for her too.

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