Friday, September 28, 2012

On Deck

God, show me the next right thing to do.

This is a simple, yet powerful statement that I have been meditating on this week. There is an abundance of spiritual depth in this request and I believe it could transform our relationship with Christ if we ask it. What does asking this question of God reveal?

  • My recognition of God as King, Divine Planner, and Sovereign King
  • My willingness to trust God and my desire to please Him
  • My eyes are open to see God's plan--show me in ways I can understand
  • God has set my feet on a path & I don't want to wander off of it
  • I trust in His direction for myself more than I trust my own
  • I am eager to be obedient to God's leading, but I am unsure of what to do
  • I recognize that this a journey & I need God's help each step of the way
  • I have glimpses of where He is sending me, but I know I can't get further down the road without the next step
  • This next right step isn't limited to ministry & career, but is essential in each part of my life if it is dedicated to Christ
  • I recognize the importance of what is happening right now, but want to be prayerfully focused on the immediate next step
  • This isn't just a pious question--it's a precursor to action.


  1. These thoughts have been going through my mind this week too. Thank you good man.

    1. To truly be engaged in a life of obedience it has to be our mantra. Still working through what that looks like right now in ministry, parenting, generosity, etc. Thanks for the comment old friend.
