Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Season of Change

In my experience, people spend more time in prayer when things are not going well as opposed to when everything seems to be acceptable. It could be a prayer for health, improved relationships, better finances, or specific needs, but there is no doubt that they increase when we need things changed. We know that God is capable of doing all things and that nothing is impossible for Him. There is no need that is greater than His ability to provide. Far too often, however, we can eagerly seek God's answer to our prayers and then see our own prayer life fade away until the next crisis/need.

Perhaps we would have a greater connection to God and see His work in each facet of our lives if we changed the focus of our prayers. Instead of seeking His power to change the circumstances we are facing, why don't we ask God to change our hearts instead? Not only would that radically redefine our perspective on what is temporal, I would wager it would influence our communities in a way that would open a pathway to communicate the true redeeming power of the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Yes, Yes (: Sometimes, we need to be the change or open the eyes of our hearts to see the change needed in us. Thanks for reminder!
    Richard Walker
