Saturday, January 24, 2015

Get Dressed & Moving

I embarked on a new journey last September. I had reached my IHHE moment (I Have Had Enough!) with my physical health and decided to take on a new course of action. This brought about a serious change in diet (no fads-just healthy, non-processed eating) and in exercise level (consistent & incremental). In fact, in the last two weeks I have invested in some exercise clothes, good shoes, and wireless headphones. I feel I have the right equipment to continue to exercise now that I have shown some consistency.

The clothes, shoes, and accessories don't mean very much on their own however. I can put on the clothes & shoes, connect my headphones to my playlist, stretch, and then sit in my recliner while watching Netflix. Even with the right equipment I have to make sure I commit to the right actions. Transformation won't happen just because I prepare, but because I was willing to engage in the behaviors that lead to that change.

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