Saturday, March 24, 2012


I don't always do "rest" well. I get that it's important to my overall health and I completely understand God's command to do it. It's just that I struggle with sitting and not doing anything. Part of it is a feeling of guilt over not always reading, writing, or trying to get better. Honestly, part of it is a continual drive to prove my value by constantly working. I feel that I have to work a ridiculous schedule so that I can take an afternoon off and not feel badly that I was resting.

I did manage to take that time this afternoon. I talked with my wife, watched my kids play outside, played some guitar, read in my hammock (fiction too-simple brain candy), perused the internet and even watched some of the UF basketball game online. 

I struggled with it some as I kept wondering if I should be focused on something more productive, but I am slowly beginning to regain the understanding of my need for rest. It makes me appreciate the down time and provides the necessary energy to be more productive during the rest of the week.


  1. Glad to hear this. I can relate.
    My problem with down time is with my brain not going idle during my downtime. Got to keep improving on this. Thanks for ur faithfulness with ur blog. Good stuff

  2. jfmcjm643@yahoo.comMarch 30, 2012 at 10:46 PM

    I can relate to feeling guilty of being lazy if I simply sit back to accomplish nothing but the last year has me looking at passages referencing the Sabbath and keeping it set apart for worship and rest.

    1. Seeing how God has given us the gift of rest has been helpful to me too. Not that I have it mastered of course.
