The story of three guys from the Bible who stood up to cultural pressure (Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego) is fresh on my mind since I just preached on it yesterday. These three men have the opportunity to do what everybody else is doing, but resist the pressure of those around them and take a stand. This comes with consequences as they are thrown into a fire, but they are not consumed as God saves them. The king who vehemently opposed them calls out to them, "Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!" His tone changed from one of direct opposition to now recognizing the God that they served.
That brings up a tough personal question: can people see God working in us even if they don't share the same belief system? Can people say about us,
"I don't believe in your God, but I can clearly see that you do!" This is the passionate authenticity the world is desperate for and will be curious about when they witness it in action.
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