Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Don't Wait Too Long

One of favorite thoughts to meditate on is adapted from Andy Stanley, a pastor and leader. He asks the question, "Will you be where you want to be five years from now by doing the things you're doing today?" I keep this on a whiteboard near my desk to serve as a reminder of the power of vision and daily discipline. I've written before about this statement and the need to have a clear focus on the five year goal to make sure you're able to achieve it. There's another piece to vision fulfillment that often gets overlooked however--it's the idea of making incremental forward progress.

The benefit of having a five year vision is it helps you make sure what you do today is having an impact on the future. The key to making that long-term goal a reality is to figure out how to accomplish part of it each year. It's not realistic to expect to make 2% progress towards your vision in years 1-4 and then cover the remaining 92% in year 5. The key to achieving lasting change is in our focused effort to make incremental improvements. Waiting too long to get moving in the right direction means we'll only be frustrated when we can't make huge leaps of progress. Learn to take things a piece at a time to find success.

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