Monday, October 5, 2009


The most feared word in the dictionary for a lot of people is "change." It is not always comfortable and it is definitely not always easy.  Sometimes we are the ones who seek change and then other times we find out that change has sought us. 

Our lives have certainly undergone a lot of change in the past six weeks and we continue to face more of it here in Milledgeville.  Things never go exactly as you planned (that is one of the many reasons that God is King and we are not) and you have to learn to react to change in a positive & godly way.  It's much easier to type that than to actually do it.

This is a challenging time right now in Milledgeville.  God is most certainly at work and Satan isn't taking a day off either.  There are many cultural differences between Georgia & Florida-none of them bad, but definite differences.  I appreciate the style of life here and recognize that some things are going to take more time than others to implement.  I love to get after things and work hard, but there is also a time of respect for the past and concern for other people's feelings and thought processes as change approaches them. 

I do know one thing. Our God does not change and even as we join the team to build up His ministry here, the need for Him only increases.  The people of Georgia are in just as much desperate need of Christ as those in Florida (and anywhere else for that matter.) 

I am firmly committed to boldy teaching His Word here and doing whatever it takes to see a revival take place that will bring souls & glory to the King.  And nothing Satan can do will change that.

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